Home & International Mission

Home & International Mission

Church of God and Saints of Christ
Temple Beth El - Chief Rabbi Phillip E. McNeil


The Department of Home and International Mission (DHIM) exists to strengthen the connection of members of our congregation within the United States, Jamaica and African countries. Since its inception, the Department has grown from a committee focused on evangelistic missions to a Department that has successfully increased awareness of member needs and created initiatives to help bind saints across countries, continents, and cultures.

“Let the people know we care”
— Rabbi Jehu August Crowdy, Jr, GFA

Now let us journey onward…. With Chief Rabbi Philip E. McNeil

The DHIM Commitment to the Chief Rabbi:

  1. Assist in the outpour of love by extending and leveraging our love support and resources to our brothers and sisters in Africa and Jamaica
  2. Cultivate the vast international work of Prophet William S. Crowdy; enriching the spiritual and physical lives of our family in Africa.
  3. Never let this glorious banner trail the ground; increase our efforts, increase our connectivity, build more relationships, and meet the desired needs within our capacity.